Speaking is a Choice; A Poem

Regardless of whether you stutter or not, we all have the choice to speak or to stay silent. In my case, oftentimes, the reason why I choose to stay silent comes from the fact that I may stutter on a word and people might look at me funny. Speaking, sometimes, feels like too much of an effort because I know it's going to take me longer to say something and I do not know how my listener is going to react. On the other hand, sometimes I am urged to say something regardless of how my stutter makes my thoughts come out. 

It matters not how I say something but what I say. 

I strongly believe in this message and I strongly believe in the idea that 'if you have something to say, say it.' And in relation to those who choose to stop and listen to you, maybe if they were to wait a couple of seconds longer, you may end up saying something interesting. 

Speaking is a Choice
Sometimes I think about how I sound when I speak,
All of the blocks and repetitions,
that co-exist with my fluid speech.

How some days I struggle to open my mouth,
because I'm afraid of how my words might sound,
 I do not want to stand out,
because my words are not perfect,
people could see me as a defect.

Sometimes it feels like a chore to speak,
all of the energy I use up,
just to say my name.

Other times despite what my stutter has led me to believe,
my words come so naturally,
that I have no other choice,
but to use my voice. 

My stutter should not dictate what words I say,
and what sentences I form,
I do not need to wait,
for my stutter to calm down.

I am much more than the way I sound,
just because I don't sound like everyone else, 
does not mean that I should sit in silence,
and hold my breath.

I have a voice,
it may not sound like yours,
but if you just stop and listen,
      I may say something interesting.


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