Broken Habits; A Poem
This is a poem about holding myself accountable in relation to letting my stutter control my life.
I need to admit that when I was younger, even in the last 5 years, I really did let my stutter control alot of what I did. I let my stutter stop me from doing things outside of my comfort zone. I did not get to live the life I wanted to lead because of my speech. In this poem, I do not blame the world around me or the situations I was put in. I recognize that, while the world can be cruel to people who stutter, I taught myself how to fear stuttering. I let thoughts of not feeling good enough because I was not fluent hold me back of speaking up. Now, as I'm older (and hopefully a little wiser) I do not need to be that version of me anymore. I can choose to speak up, even though I still stutter.
Photo by Thiago Matos |
Broken Habits
As I feel myself getting older,
I often sit and wonder,
about all of those learned behaviours,
I learnt when I was younger.
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